An illustration displaying social platform icons surrounding the term 4 Benefits with an upward curve above symbolizing the positive growth of a business with the help of social sharing.

4 Benefits of Sharing About Your Business on Social Platforms

If you are still on the fence about using social media for your business, it’s time to jump on the bandwagon. A strong social media presence can help you reach new customers and build brand loyalty. With Bevy Share Cart app, you can streamline your social media efforts and achieve business goals with ease.

It’s safe to say that social media, like other platforms, is not a fad that once hit the internet and disappeared in thin air. More than half the world’s population is now on social platforms, with an average user visiting around 6.6 different apps regularly.

Now the question arises, why are these people here? What are they trying to achieve? Research suggests the answer is very simple. It’s all about sharing information; letting others know what they’re interested in.

People appreciate seeing content on their news feeds that are helpful or at least they can resonate with. Maybe they come from a friend, family, or a brand close to their heart. Social media, since its inception, has paved the way for millions of brands like yours to reach their prospects. Study shows eCommerce brands with social media presence generate 32% more revenue than those without one.

Millions of brands are already harnessing the power of social media to grow their business, and you’re up against all of them. At this point, just creating a social media presence might fall short for your business. You have to go above and beyond to find out what you can do differently from others.

Sounds like a tough job? No worries. Let us tell you how you can boost your marketing efforts apart from being on social media and what benefits you can get from it.

Get the App: Bevy Share Cart 

Share Cart, as the name suggests, is a cart-sharing app for Shopify merchants. By installing this app, you can let your customers share their shopping carts with others through different social channels. The app allows you to drive traffic to your storefront from social platforms without even being there. Isn’t it amazing?

However, if you’ve already jumped on the bandwagon (of social media presence) to keep up with your fellow competitors, the app can help your brand get noticed and connect with new customers. 

Now, let’s take a look at what benefits your social media presence can bring and how the Share Cart app comes in handy in this regard. 

Helps Promote Social Sharing

Social Sharing is when your customers share your content on social platforms. For content creation, you can follow social media’s 80/20 rule, which suggests sharing 80% industry-specific content to drive engagement and only 20% to promote your brand.

However, nowadays, content for your business is not confined to making posts describing your offerings anymore. Being in eCommerce, the most remarkable piece of content is your product itself. You can use Social Commerce and showcase your product on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter Shops.

Besides, you can install the Share Cart app on your store for customers to share their carts on social platforms. This way, you don’t have to constantly think about what to post next to keep your followers engaged. Your customers will do the job on your behalf. As long as they purchase from you and share their cart links on social media, there’s no way for your business to dry up.

Encourage Word of Mouth 

How often do you get recommendations for a brand or its specific products? A lot, right? Now, imagine the same thing happening on social media. Your friend is sending you the latest updates from the brand they love, so you don’t miss out on the deals.

This is the Word of Mouth marketing. People turn into a voice for a brand when they have a positive experience with it. If you’re in eCommerce, it’s crucial for you to find a way to encourage Word of Mouth from your customers. Because nearly 88% of shoppers put the highest trust in the Word of Mouth referrals from individuals, they know.

Word of Mouth can be achieved through customer reviews. However, you have to request them to write a few positive words to help you grow. Another way is to install the Share Cart app on your Shopify store. This one works better as it comes with solid proof of people actually buying from you. 

More Traffic to Your Storefront

“You can’t wait for customers to come to you. You have to figure out where they are, go there and drag them back to your store.”

– Paul Graham, co-founder of Y Combinator

At this point, you already know where your customers are. However, your social media is just a visual presence to establish connections and roll them into your website, where the actual conversion is done. Make sure you have the link to your store added to your social media page for people to pay a visit.

Besides, as an eCommerce business, chances are you launch attractive deals and discounts throughout the year (or at least during the shopping season). If so, always post about them on your social platforms with clear CTAs to visit your website and redeem the offers.

However, you can choose the easy way out if you’re busy during the holiday season and feel like you don’t have enough time to create content and post about your deals. Bevy Share Cart offers a social sharing content feature that allows you to add short text, hashtags, images, and much more to share with the cart. You can use this feature to let people on social media know about your ongoing offers.

Customers who will be sharing their cart links during that time will also share this information. By doing so, you can keep your business alive on social platforms without making posts, drive engagement and increase your subsequent conversion rate. 

Impact Buying Decisions

Someone won’t simply purchase from a brand they have never heard of before. Both Social Sharing and Word of Mouth aid in influencing people’s buying decisions. A study by a digital marketing agency, ODM Group, shows almost 74% of people rely on social media while making a purchasing decision.

People search for what others have to say about a brand and its product and who their loyal customers are. All of these can be found on the social platform; on the brand’s page in the form of reviews, shares, and followers.

And once again, all of these come down to maintaining a fabulous social media presence by making the most of the Share Cart app. Because in today’s world, a consumer-to-consumer recommendation has the ability to outperform any form of marketing strategy.

Until Next Time

If you harbor a wish to get more and more visitors to your storefront, social media marketing is your way to go, as it comes with a lot of perks with minimum effort.

By incorporating the Bevy Share Cart app into your marketing endeavor, you can connect to a vast crowd base on social media with the help of your existing customers.

As the app is purely based on a peer-to-peer cart-sharing system, it is guaranteed to attract the right customers who will do nothing but good for your business.

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