An illustration of an Exit Intent Pop-up appearing on a laptop screen, designed to help visitors return to the site instead of leaving.

Exit Intent Pop-Ups: Strategies to Draw Visitors Back to the Store

Struggling to keep your visitors engaged? Exit Intent Pop-ups are the secret weapon you need! Discover how Bevy Design’s smart setup and easy-to-use builder can help you create visually stunning pop-ups. Find out how to turn hesitant visitors into loyal subscribers and increase your sales with compelling offers, discounts, and lead magnets.

Do you ever feel like your online store is a revolving door? Visitors land in, quickly look around and disappear, never to be seen again.

It’s a frustrating experience for any store owner who has poured their heart and soul into the business. You are doing everything right, but for some reason, visitors aren’t just sticking around.

Fortunately, there’s a solution for this – Exit Intent Pop-Ups!

What Are Exit Intent Pop-Ups?

Exit Intent Pop-Ups are designed to appear when someone is about to bounce back from a website. They are triggered by the movement of the cursor toward the top of the screen, indicating the visitor is about to close the window, hit the back button, or navigate to a different site. 

The idea behind an Exit Intent Pop-Up is putting a last-ditch effort to hold the visitors back. By presenting them with a last-minute incentive or offer, you can capture their attention, encourage them to stay longer, and return in the future.

Are Exit Intent Pop-Ups Effective?

The answer lies in statistics! Exit Intent Pop-Ups can save around (10-15)% of visitors from leaving your site. []

Also, such pop-ups have the potential to turn 7% of those visitors into your email subscribers, leaving room for future engagement. By offering a discount or coupon through Exit Intent Pop-Ups, businesses can save up to 13.5% of sales that may have otherwise been abandoned. []

So, if you are not already using Exit Intent Pop-Ups for your business, you could be missing out on valuable opportunities to retain visitors, capture leads and increase your subsequent sales.

Tips for Creating Effective Exit Intent Pop-Ups

Before we dig into the strategies to reel visitors back using Exit Intent Pop-Ups, let’s take a look at what makes such pop-ups effective.

Keeping It Simple

” Less is more ” – is a proverb that also holds true for Exit Intent Pop-Ups. In other words, keeping your Exit Intent Pop-Ups simple can be more effective in retaining visitors than bombarding them with too much information. Use clear and concise language and call-to-actions to communicate the offer. Provide a way to close the pop-up so visitors can easily get back to the website. 

Timing is the Key

Timing is crucial for Exit Intent Pop-Ups to be effective. Ensure they appear at the right moment meaning just before the visitor is about to leave the site. Such pop-ups should not interrupt the user experience by showing up anywhere and anytime.

Appearance Matters

The Exit Intent Pop-Up’s appearance should align with your brand’s style guide. Use colors and fonts that resonate with your brand’s image. Make sure the pop-up is visually appealing and attention-grabbing.

However, designing eye-catching and easily deployable Exit Intent Pop-Ups from scratch can be challenging and time-consuming. Luckily, there’s a solution that can make the whole process a lot easier so you can focus on what you do best: managing your online store. 

Bevy Design is a smart pop-up builder exclusively designed for eCommerce businesses. With this tool, anyone can create visually stunning pop-ups, including Exit Intents, guaranteed to capture visitors’ attention and keep them engaged. The platform offers a vast library with hundreds of pre-built templates.

From there, you can choose any template, quickly customize it to match your brand style, and publish it on your store. With Bevy Design, you no longer have to fret over pop-up timing and design principles. The tool expertly handles those aspects for you!

Now that you’re familiar with the factors contributing to the success of Exit Intent Pop-Ups and how Bevy Design can help you design them in minutes, it’s time to explore the strategies for utilizing such pop-ups to your advantage.

Offer Incentives

Visitors are more likely to respond to your Exit Intent Pop-Ups if you offer incentives like discounts, coupons, or free shipping. Consider using Bevy Design’s Smart Setup or Builder to create visually appealing pop-ups highlighting your deals and encouraging visitors to take advantage of them.

For discounts, you can offer percentages or fixed amounts. Whatever you decide to go with, make sure it is significant enough to encourage visitors to take action but not so high to hurt your profit margin.

Using Bevy Design’s Add Discount To Cart action, you can show special discounts to specific visitors and customers and add them to their carts. Also, you can create custom Coupons for your promotions right from the Builder and display them through the Exit Intent Pop-Ups.

Email capture template by Bevy Design perfect for summer deals.
Summer Themed Email Capture Template

Promote a Limited Time Offer

Create a sense of urgency by promoting limited-time offers through Exit Intent Pop-Ups. This can feature a special deal or exclusive items available for a short period, the number of items left in stock, and a countdown timer showing the time remaining for sale to end.

Bevy Design allows you to add an active countdown timer to any campaign. This feature can be found in the Builder under Inputs Elements. Apart from this, if you plan to showcase your exclusive items but don’t know how to do so, Bevy Design’s Product Set feature can help you. With this feature, you have options to upsell, cross-sell or bundle your exclusive items and promote them to your visitors.

Bevy Design session based countdown that offers discounts.
Cyber Monday Countdown Slide In Template

Offer a Lead Magnet

Lead Magnets are valuable content visitors can download in exchange for their email addresses. This can be an e-book, a checklist, or a guide related to your products or industry. By providing something of value, you can build trust with your visitors and encourage them to keep coming back.

With Bevy Design, offering a lead magnet through Exit Intent Pop-Ups is very easy. All you have to do is add a button to your campaign, set actions to download a file, and provide an URL. That’s it, and you are done! Your visitors will be able to download the free resources from the location with a simple click.

Ask for Feedback

Collecting feedback from visitors never goes out of style. Some visitors may leave your storefront because they could not find what they are looking for or had a poor experience shopping from you.

Exit Intent Feedback Collection Pop-Ups can help you discover why visitors are leaving and how to improve their experience. You can ask them to complete a survey or submit their feedback on your product and customer service through a contact form.

Bevy Design offers a bunch of pre-built feedback collection templates you can show your visitors when they are leaving, grab their attention and get their thoughts on your services.

Bevy Design lead generation template that allows visitors to provide feedback.
Basic Feedback Collection Template

Provide Social Proof

Social Proof refers to a psychological phenomenon where people are more likely to perform an action when they find out others are doing it too.

With the help of Exit Intent Pop-Ups, you can showcase the number of people who have purchased a specific item, the number of satisfied customers you have, the reviews or testimonials they left on your products, and so on. Highlighting the positive experiences of existing customers can instill a sense of credibility and encourage visitors to explore your brand.

One way to do this is using the Social Links feature available in the Bevy Builder. This can help you display the number of people following your brand on Facebook and Twitter and encourage others to do the same.

Capture Email Addresses

While you may not be able to convert every visitor into a customer, you can still collect their email addresses for future marketing efforts. Consider deploying Lead Generation Exit Intent Pop-Ups that prompt visitors to sign up for your newsletters and other email marketing campaigns.

To grow your email list, the first thing you can do is rely on Bevy Design’s pre-built lead generation templates. Otherwise, you can create such templates on your own using the Bevy Builder and adding custom email and name input fields from it.

Email collection template by Bevy Design that induces FOMO.
Subscribe Email Collection Template

Wrapping Up

A well-targeted Exit Intent Pop-Up can do wonders for your business. Using Bevy Design, you can turn any pop-up into an Exit Intent by setting the campaign triggers and timing.

So don’t wait any longer. Jump right into the Bevy Builder, find out the details of all triggers, targeting, and timing options, and start using them to retain more and more visitors.

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